The end of this deal is nigh!
For $28.99 (Over 50% off the retail price!) you can get your copy of Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut Blu-ray while supplies last!
The Ultimate Cut features the Zak Snyder directors cut of Watchmen with the animated feature Tales of the Black Freighter woven into the live action film. On top of that you get the nifty Under The Hood featurette that gives you further insight into the dark world created by master storyteller Alan Moore.
Oh did I mention it also comes with Watchmen: The Complete Motion Comics, because it does! This is the four-disc Ultimate Cut, remember? So the extras are aplenty!
Extras Include:
- Disc 1 - Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut (215min), Commentary from Zac Snyder and artist Dave Gibbons
- Disc 2 - Various Featurettes: The Phenomenon: The Comic That Changed Comics, Real Super Heroes, Real Vigilantes, Mechanics: Technologies of a Fantastic World, Watchmen: Video Journals - Under the Hood, Story Within a Story: The Books of Watchmen, Music Video: My Chemical Romance; Desolation Row
- Disc 3 - Digital Copy of the Theatrical Version.
- Discs 4 & 5 - Watchmen: The Complete Motion Comics (325 minutes and in it's own case within the box!)
That is a lot of bang for your buck!