Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bill Shatner: Horse Enthusiast

I have been wicked busy the past couple of days, which means my original plan for my Shatnerthon posts had to be scrapped. But as the old saying goes: Let the Shat hit the fan!

People have been writing about William Shatner’s prolific acting career. He has had a simply stellar (Pun not intended, but then I read this sentence and decided that I am not above puns, so deal with it!) presence on TV and the silver screen.

People have mused over Bill “Rocketman” Shatner’s musical accomplishments. I really have nothing to add, his body of work speaks for itself.

All these are things that Mr. Bill Shatner is known and loved for, but what does Bill love? What makes Kirk tick? What does Denny Crane do to take the edge off? Get ready, because this news may come as something of a shock to those of you that have only known William Shatner as a public figure.

William Shatner is many things, actor, musician, Canadian, author, and spokesman. But if you were to ask Bill who he identifies himself as he will most likely say that he is foremost an equestrian.

That’s right Shatner’s one true passion in life is … horses.

Yup, ol’ Bill fancies himself a cowboy! But he doesn't do it solo; he breeds, trains and competes with the other love of his life, his wife Elizabeth Anderson, on his 360 acre horse ranch in Kentucky. The Shatman raises various kinds of horses but primarily American Saddlebreds and Quarter Horses (Yeah, I don't really know what that means either ...) several of which have actually become successful champions.

Shatner doesn't do this for just his own benefit though and in the truest fashion of awesome badassery he hosts a horse show disguised as a charity fundraiser in Hollywood that draws in the big wigs of the industry every year. And you are damn right he wears a cowboy hat!

Hell, there is even a special riding competition named after him; the overly epic sounding Shatner Class.

At this point (if you are still reading this post about Shatner’s love of horses, and I wouldn’t blame you if you weren’t …) you may be asking yourself, “Self, why should I care about Billie’s horse obsession?

Answer: Because William Shatner does, and that should be a good enough reason for you!

I could go on but because I just couldn’t possibly describe it any better then a shoddily taped, and extremely dated, TV interview I’ll just let the Shatman explain his love, in his ... own ... SYNCOPATED, PERsonaldialECT!

Enjoy, I sure did:

Aw crap ... now I have to write about his affinity for dogs.


Hatchet Blu in September

Source: HighDef Disc News

Have you experienced Hatchet?Add Image

Writer/director Adam Green's 2007 horror flick has it all; copious violence, thrills, chills, gratuitous T&A and just the right comedic tone to make what would otherwise just be another hardcore slasher something more enjoyable.

On September 7th the unrated director's cut of Hatchet will be available on Blu-ray so you can see the blood spattered gore in all of its 1080p glory. This Blu-ray release will have all of the extras from the old DVD plus a whole new commentary featuring writer/director Green and the slasher Mr. Crowley himself; Kane Hodder.

Extras Include:

  • All new commentary track with director Adam Green and actor Kane Hodder
  • Original audio commentary with Adam Green, Co-Producer/Cinematographer Will Barratt and Actors Tamara Feldman, Joel David Moore and Deon Richmond
  • The Making of Hatchet
  • Meeting Victor Crowley: An in-depth look at the creation of a new horror icon
  • Guts & Gore: Go behind the scenes of Hatchet’s special makeup and prosthetic effects
  • Anatomy of a Kill: Witness the “jaw-breaking” birth, design and execution of a death scene
  • A Twisted Tale: Adam Green recounts his decades-long friendship with “Twisted Sister” front man Dee Snider
  • Gag Reel
  • Theatrical Trailer

This is all happening just before the release of Hatchet 2 in October, coincidence? I think not!

Roku News

Source: Home Media Magazine

You Roku owners might have noticed a new addition to your device over the July 4th weekend.

Roku is currently testing a news channel, dubbed Pod TV, that is a compilation of various news sources such as CNN, National Public Radio, PBS, BBC, CBS, NBC, ESPN, Fox News and HBO among others.

If you are a Roku user and this sounds like something you might be interested in trying out Pod TV is currently free. All you have to do is go to the Roku site and go to your account and click the "Add Private Channel" link and then enter the code: H9DWC.

Pod TV will provide more than just another way for you to stay up to date on the worlds happenings as other cool features are currently included and more are planned for the near future. Currently, besides checking out the news, you can listen to a selection of speakers, tune in for the always entertaining radio show A Prairie Home Companion and even get some shopping done through (Use the code: BPPIM for special deals!).

JVC Facebook Contest

So JVC has begun a new contest on its Facebook Fanpage officially called "Like it to Win it".

Starting today through September 8th JVC will post some kind of product on Facebook and to enter to win that product all you have to do is click the "Like" button. There is a whole bunch of things that can be possible prizes from TVs, camcorders, laptops, stereos and whatever electronic gadgetry they decide to throw at us.

I know what you are probably all saying, "Is this some kind of fishing scam?" Well you can check out the official rules here, but as far as I can tell it seems legit.

So if you like the product of the day (Today it is a 19" LCD TV) or just want a chance at some free junk just click "Like" and you are entered! It is easier than stealing candy from a baby, and a hell of a lot quieter too!