Thursday, July 8, 2010

Always Practice Safe Gaming ...

Source: Engadget

So you got her back to your bedroom, highfive stud!

Then the inevitable question arises almost as fast as you do, "Do you have protection?" Now what you do next may make or break the evening’s coital activities.

What do you boyscout, were you prepared?

Do you:

A) Fumble through you nightstand for that one damn prophylactic you know you left in there somewhere.

B) Say, "Nah, babe. But I'm good to go!" (GAME OVER)

Or are player enough to go with option "C"?

C) Bust out your Game Boy themed condoms case and hop on that honey like Mario on a Goomba?!

I think the answer is pretty obvious! Now the only tough decision is what game to go with, with such classics as Donkey Schlong, Sextris and The Long End of Zelda the choice is yours!

Game on, player! Game on!


Source: Popular Science

It is official; modern robotics has finally reached perfection because you sure as hell can't beat this!

Let me introduce you the Willow Garage Robot. This little champ has been successful at mundane tasks, and has even proven itself a proficient pool shark but it has now found it's primary directive: getting your lazy biomass housed!

Just place your order via a web interface, hit the "Beer Me" button and just sit back and wait for your Robo-waiter to deliver you a cold brew.

Enjoy perfection:

Hell, he'll even crack it open for you if you request it! Although I think the Beer-bot either hasn't quite mastered the technique quite yet, or he just shakes the beer up a bit as a general display of distaste for humanity.

It is a hot day here, and I know many of you can respect anything that can make hydration/inebriation easier is only a step forward for humanity ...

Until Skynet goes online, of course.

30 Days of Night: Dark Days in October

Source: HighDef Disc News

No official cover art yet. Stay posted!

The sequel to 2007's 30 Days of Night, a movie that shows great vampires don't sparkle or wear guyliner, is getting a straight to DVD and a combo DVD/Blu-ray release October 5th.

30 Days of Night: Dark Days is based off the graphic novel of the same name that picks up the story where the first film left off, but now with even more pissed of Nosferatu!

Extras Include:

  • PS3 Wallpaper Theme
  • Filmmaker Commentary
  • Vampires Exist: The Gritty Realism of Dark Days
  • Graphic Inspirations: Comic to Film (Blu-ray Only)