Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Youtube: Broadcast Yourself ... Privately


Youtube has just added another choice for video posters that will ensure a new level of privacy.

Previously there were only two privacy settings that could be chosen; either the video was public and out there for the whole wide world to see or it was only viewable privately by selected Youtube users. Not exactly a lot of grey area in who could and could not see your videos.

Well, now there is a third option that allows the video poster to post videos that can only been seen if they input the specific URL. The actual video itself would remain unlisted and invisible to the casual Youtube browser looking for that clip of the pelvic thrusting Stormtrooper, you know the one.

I find it kind of surprising that this feature didn't exist before; it seems so obvious a tool. Although I don't see what is to stop people from sharing the link information, so the uploader should probably still show discretion in who they share the link with as that person could just pass it along to the next person. I suppose the idea is to make the video more exclusive and not necessarily completely private.

Wal-Mart Father's Day Blu-ray Sale


Everybody's favorite mega-store is having an online Blu-ray sale in honor of Father's Day. So do what I am going to do; let that special old guy in your life know you care by buying him a movie and pocketing the other two!

Here's the skinny; you have two lists of Blu-rays to choose from, one is 3 movies for $45 and the other is 3 movies for $30. There seems to be some overlap between the two lists, for whatever reason, so it will be up to you to come up with Blu-ray combinations at the best price.

For the $45 bunch you can pick 3 movies from a list of 48. Some of the highlights of the list include:

  • Avatar
  • Troy (Unrated Director's Cut)
  • The Karate Kid (Parts I and II)
  • Fight Club
  • Crazy Heart
  • Raging Bull
  • The Departed
  • Family Guy: Something, Something, Something Dark Side
  • Plus 40 more!

The 3 for $30 deal includes 58 titles to choose from. There are some great Blu-rays in this list as well, including:

  • 30 Days of Night
  • Dog Day Afternoon
  • Hancock
  • Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
  • Men in Black
  • The Last Samurai
  • Pan's Labyrinth
  • The Replacement Killers
  • Plus 50 more!

No official end date listed on the Wal-Mart site but it would be safe to assume June 22nd, as that is Father's Day, will be the deadline for the sale. That gives you a little over a month to decide on your optimal Blu-ray bundles.

So hurry this may not be an easy decision with all of the choices available!